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mass point中文是什么意思

用"mass point"造句"mass point"怎么读"mass point" in a sentence


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  • Last , the z - map mass point model is researched
    最后,对z - map点云模型进行了研究。
  • Analysis of vibrational characteristics for an equipment composed of a mass point and a rigid body
  • The effects of friction , damping and link flexibility on the system dynamic responses are considered . two mass points are approximately taken for the contact points
  • In this thesis , based on pershing ii surface to surface missile , a new kind of ballistic missile was designed with an additional rocket engine , which can be ignited twice . firstly , aerodynamic computational models of missile body and warhead which reentry with supersonic are built according to the task requirements ; secondly , the propulsion system model of missile is built whose first two stages are solid rocket engines and the third stage is liquid - solid combined rocket engine . the nozzle and the shape of the engine are designed to meet the needs of the populsion project ; thirdly , the trajectory model of the mass point is built and a wavy trajectory is designed & optimized ; finally , the ability of a missile ' s breaking through defence is analyzed
  • Toward different surgery simulation request , we simplify human soft tissue to linear model , nonlinear model , or stiff / elastic model . using stiffness coefficient , damping coefficient , and mass point density to represent the characters of stiff / elastic , anisotropy , and non homogenous of soft tissue
  • In this dissertation , the re - entry vehicle can be seen as a rigid body system composed of a shell of the vehicle and internal moving mass points , by applying the newton - euler ’ s method , the dynamical equation of mmcrv are derived and the control mechanism is analyzed according to the dynamical equations . several influence factors on the dynamical response of mmcrv is analyzed in detail
    将壳体与内部活动质量体看成是一个刚体与质点系组成的多刚体系统,采用newton - euler建模方法完整地推导了变质心再入体的动力学方程,其结果显示了内部活动质量体移动对再入体姿态的影响。
  • The main research is as follows : analyze and research the characteristic of the crank - connect rod mechanism of the single - cylinder internal - combustion engine , the mathematical model of three - mass point has been established and the program of its inertia force and moment has been designed
  • This kind of high silica wrought aluminum alloy is provided with low density and well heat - stability , especially with the metallurgical structur ? similar with bearing alloy ? which is composed of dispersion distribution common silicon crystal hard mass point and the alloyed basal body is very fit for the components manufacture ? can bear small capacity moving load and friction load
用"mass point"造句  
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